Our Trusted Partners
Nothing Short of Perfection
Every detail of your wedding matters, and we collaborate with the finest vendors to make your vision a reality. From florists and photographers to musicians and event planners, our curated list of trusted professionals ensures your special day is nothing short of perfection.
Mac Daddy
Tel: 231.633.5666
Razor Entertainment
Tel: 231.631.8987
The Rick Lieder Band
Tel: 248.255.1170
Email: RickAndDayna@comcast.net
Website: RickLiederBand.com
Weekend Comeback
Tel: 734.718.7716
Website: weekendcomeback.com
Yankee Station
Tel: 231.340.0015
Website: facebook.com/yankeestation
2 Bays D.J.'S
Tel: 231.715.6544
Website: 2baysdjs.com
A List Event Group
Tel: 877.368.7280
Website: alisteventgroup.com
D.J.’s North
Tel: 231.881.0324
website: https://www.facebook.com/djsnorth/
Pluister Entertainment
Tel: 231.590.8414
Northern Entertainment
Tel: 517.505.2616
Website: straitsdj.com
Parker Marshall
Website: parkermarshall.com
Sound Productions
Tel: 989.386.2221
Website: soundproductions.com
Musicians (Miscellaneous)
Affinity Strings Quartet
Tel: 248.425.9267
Website: AffinityStrings.com
Bay North Strings (String Trio)
Tel: 231.590.9984
Email: zetteti@gmail.com
Howard Richards (Piano)
Tel: 231.622.8917
Mark Hamilton (Piper)
Tel: 231.242.0202
Pete Kehoe (Guitar/Piano/Vocals)
Tel: 231.881.8254
Website: petemusic.com
Owen James Music (Guitar/Keyboard)
Tel: 503.539.7329
Email: owenjames101@gmail.com
Ron Getz (Guitarist)
Tel: 231.392.4203
Website: rongetzguitar.com
Sylvia Norris (Harpist)
Tel: 231.922.3546
Website: norrisgroup.org
Charlie Millard (Piano)
Tel: 231.373.3111
Email: charlie.millard11@gmail.com
Trisha Berquist (Dorothy Gerber Strings Program)
Tel: 864.770.3113
Email: tberquist@greatlakescfa.org
Salons and Spas
Salon Nouveau Vous
Tel: 231.487.1991
Website: salonnouveauvous.com
Up North Perfection
Tel: 231.439.7822
Email: upnorthperfection@gmail.com
Tel: 231.439.9255
Website: vogue-salons.com
Wedding Coordination & Design
Fox + Fern
Website: foxandfernevents.com
Merry Makers
Tel: 231.547.5061
Website: merrymkr.com
Rhodes Boyce Weddings
Website: www.sarahrhodesboyceweddings.com
Tableau Event Design
Tel: 231.330.1927
Website: tableauevents.com
Up North Events
Tel: 231.675.6262
Website: upnorthevents.biz
Attire & Rentals
Petoskey Bridal
Tel: 231.347.6922
Website: petoskeybridal.com
Andrejka Photography
Tel: 805.331.0146
Website: andrejkaphotography.com
Chris Van Winkle Photography
Tel: 917.826.6161
Website: chrisvw.com
Cory Weber Photography
Tel: 231.631.4891
Website: weber-photography.com
Crooked Porch Photography
Tel: 231.330.3278
Website: thecrookedporch.com
Dan Stewart Photography
Tel: 231.715.1125
Website: danstewartphotography.com
Erin Wiseman
Tel: 231.675.9775
Website: erinleighimagery.com
Jennifer Boris Photography
Tel: 734.968.3079
Website: jenniferborisphotography.com
Kristen R. Smith Photography
Tel: 231.330.2267
Website: kristenrsmithphotography.com
Mae Stier Photography
Tel: 989.525.1243
Website: maestierweddings.com
Matte Photography
Tel: 719.271.2036
Website: mattebymolly.com
Michael Murphy IV Photography
Tel: 231.499.3114
Website: michaelmurphyiv.com
Nathan English Photography
Tel: 616.617.4354
Website: nathanenglishphotography.com
Nicole Geri Photography
Tel: 231.495.9384
Website: NicoleGeriPhotography.com
Northern Art Photography
Tel: 888.263.2578
Website: northernartphotography.com
Oden & Janelle Photographers
Tel: 231.645.7446
Website: odenandjanelle.com
Paul Retherford Photography
Tel: 231.445.1793
Website: paulretherford.com
Photography by Paquette
Tel: 231.487.9363
Website: photographybypaquette.com
Rayan Anastor Photography
Tel: 231.335.3001
Website: rayananastorphotography.com
Rockhill Studio
Tel: 417.350.9855
Website: rockhillphoto.com
Stephanie N. Baker Photography
Tel: 231.881.0703
Website: stephanienbaker.com
Stephen Norregaard
Tel: 630.487.9360
Website: stephennorregaard.com
Fairytale Productions
Tel: 800.419.8480
Website: fairytaleproductions.net
Montage Media
Tel: 231.878.2891
Website: montagemediafilms.com
Stephen Norregaard
Tel: 630.487.9360
Website: stephennorregaard.com
Photo Booths
Happy Snappy Photo Booth
Tel: 231.753.8244
Website: happysnappybooth.com
Motion Booth
Tel: 231.715.1125
Northern Michigan Shutter Booth
Tel: 616.608.3017
Website: shutterbooth.com
Rock the Booth
Tel: 734.237.1269
Website: rockthebooth.com
A.R. Pontius
Tel: 231.526.9690
Website: pontiusflowers.com
Tel: 231.675.9017
Website: bloomupnorth.com
Elegance Wedding Design, LLC
Tel: 269.224.1839
Website: eleganceweddingdesign.com
Monarch Garden and Floral Design
Tel: 231.347.7449
Website: monarchgfd.com
Sky’s The Limit
Tel: 231.347.7770
Website: flowersfromskysthelimit.com
The Day’s Design
Tel: 810.577.8004
Website: thedaysdesign.net
Amy Kate Design
Tel: 231.264.6938
Website: amykatedesigns.com
Bella e Dolce
Tel: 231.420.3077
Website: bellaedolcenorth.com
Simply Sweet by Jessica
Tel: 231.420.3785
Website: simplysweetbyjessica.com
The Bow Tie Baker
Tel: 231.838.0135
Website: thebowtiebaker.com
Ruthann's Gourmet Bakery
Tel: 231.350.7202
Website: sugarmesweetcakeshop.com
Transportation Services
Air Bear Charter
Tel: 231.627.4323
Website: airbeartravel.com
Blue Lakes By The Bay Transportation
Tel: 231.932.1065
Website: bluelakesbythebay.com
Mackinaw Shuttle & Limousine Service
Tel: 888.349.8294
Website: mackinawshuttle.com
Sunset Premier Shuttle
Tel: 231.497.1182
Website: sunsetpremiershuttle.com
Up North Rides
Tel: 231.350.1248
Email: ride@upnorthrides.com
Amazing Day Weddings
Tel: 231.632.8099
Website: amazingdayweddings.com
Pastor Mark Drinkall
Tel: 231.347.6056
Rev. Glad Remaly
Tel: 231.627.6996
Website: bestclergy.com
Rev. Johnathan Mays
Tel: 231.459.8067
Website: charlevoixweddingpastor.com
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